AquaConsult – The Offshore Wind Enablers


General Management, Project Initiation, Strategy, Regulatory Affairs, PA&PR​

Research Project for a Masterplan Offshore Hydrogen in the North Sea​

Tender preparation support, bid strategy, modelling​

German Hydrogen Flagship Projects​
Coordination, knowledge exchange and interface management to industrial stakeholders for TransHyDE and H2Mare

Primary Energy Production​
Assistance in projects with more than 50,000 MW of installed capacity from onshore and offshore wind energy​

Energy Transport​
Assistance for electricity and gas network operators at all distribution levels​

H2 Production / Electrolysis​
Consultancy services and assistance in pilot projects and development of larger scaled projects (up to 100 MW), electrolysis for ammonia project (300 MW) in Europe​

H2 Storage and Transportation​
Assistance of two German LNG terminals​ for the transportion of large quantities​ of hydrogen​

General Management, Project Initiation, Strategy, Regulatory Affairs, PA&PR​

Research Project for a Masterplan Offshore Hydrogen in the North Sea​

CL6-2021-FARM2FORK-01-11 Fish-X​
Tender preparation support, strategy, modelling

TenneT TSO / Offshore​
Project Development, Project Management and -Control, Claim- and Risk Management, Permit Planning in Lehrte and Bayreuth for HV projects​

TenneT TSO, SuedLink​
Project Development, Project Management and -Control, Permit Planning in Glückstadt and Würzburg HV projects​

TenneT TSO / Offshore​
Secondary Technology, Coordination, Instrumentation and Control Technology in Lehrte and Bayreuth for HV Projects

H2 Pre-Feasibility Study ​
Generation and Use of Hydrogen in Sand-Lime BrickPlants​

OWF Bid Preparation JAP​
Technical advisory services in bid preparation for public tendering in cooperation with ClassNK​

OWF Arcadis Ost GER​
Technical consultant in relation to permitting, design and engineering​

Project development of offshore windfarm coupled with hydrogen production plant​

Merkur Offshore GER​
Design management & foundation engineering​

OWF Merkur GER​
T&I Package Management​
FOU & WTG incl. Commissioning​

400 MW Hydrogen Production Platform​
Concept Design, BOP Definition, H2 System Integration, CAPEX Estimates​

Floating Hydrogen Production​
Feasibility assessment for 400 MW floating H2 production plant​

Offshore Ammonia Plant​
Feasibility assessment, Deck Layouts, System Outline Definition​

LH2  Production Platform​
Concept Design, BOP Definition, H2 System Integration, CAPEX Estimates​

H2 Compression and Storage Platform​
Concept Design, BOP Definition, Storage Volume Assessment, CAPEX Estimates​

Offshore Wind Poland
FMEAs for early risk mitigation in offshore operation.

OWF Yunlin/ Offshore Taiwan
O&M strategy, base port selection, offshore logistics planning, and ensuring spare parts availability.

Floating foundation manufacturer study
Service and maintenance concept of floating turbines

Offshore wind projects in GER/ EU/UK and Asia
O&M strategies for subsea, BOP, and WTGs.

Offshore wind projects in GER/EU/UK and Asia
Established remote control centre for continuous monitoring of assets.

OWF Yunlin/ Offshore Taiwan
O&M preparation planning, ensuring a smooth transition from the design phase to operational readiness.

OWF Yunlin/ Offshore Taiwan
Supported in designing a specialised vessel for a Taiwan offshore wind farm.

OWF Butendiek/ Offshore Germany
Designed technical operation handbook for offshore substation for optimised operations.