The Second Expert Interview: The Importance of Pilot Projects for Offshore Hydrogen Production (ONP Management)

1. Hey Michael, what is your role at AquaConsult?
“Working at ONP Management, I leverage my technical and project management know-how to execute complex infrastructure projects, including offshore-wind and hydrogen projects. We manage project teams and support clients during conceptualization, early development, FEED-phase, engineering, procurement and execution/installation up to COD.
In this function I am also responsible for ONP’s involvement in the development of “NORTHSEA HYDROGEN® Offshore Farm”, which we want to talk more about today.
This set of projects, aiming to produce green hydrogen from offshore wind, directly ties into ONP’s collaboration in the AquaConsult network. As a one-stop-shop for project-developers, the consultants combined at Aqua Consult offer the full set of expertise required to develop and execute these projects successfully.”
2. So, what is the “NORTHSEA HYDROGEN® Demonstrator Project” then? Why is it important to discuss?
"NORTHSEA HYDROGEN® aims to build large scale offshore wind farms in the German bight, scaled from 10-MW to 300MW to 1 GW, to produce green hydrogen on an industrial scale. Transport of compressed hydrogen to shore is achieved via vessels or pipelines.
The “NORTHSEA HYDROGEN® Demonstrator Project” is designed to explore the feasibility of producing green hydrogen from offshore wind energy. The project involves the installation of a self-sufficient, autonomous jack-up platform equipped with 10MW electrolysers and auxiliary equipment to generate hydrogen directly at sea. The hydrogen-production-unit will operate next to an existing offshore wind farm (OWF) and source the required renewable energy directly from the OWF.
The primary idea behind this pilot project is to investigate and demonstrate the viability of hydrogen production using variable electricity loads from offshore wind turbines in a challenging marine environment. By harnessing the fluctuating power output from offshore wind, the project aims to prove that hydrogen can be effectively and efficiently produced even under variable and harsh conditions. This demonstrator project not only showcases the harmonization between offshore wind energy and hydrogen production but also paves the way for future large-scale offshore hydrogen projects."
3. What are the goals and expected outcomes of the Demonstrator Project? Why is it so important?
"The primary goal of the Demonstrator Project is to test the feasibility of a modular design concept for an offshore hydrogen production plant. This involves creating a “proof of concept” that demonstrates effective integration of desalination, electrolysis technology and offshore wind energy. By achieving a functioning system integration under remote offshore conditions at a 10-MW-scale, the project aims to pave the way for future innovative offshore hydrogen projects. Successful demonstration will not only attract government support but also build trust and confidence among investors, by de-risking and highlighting the viability and scalability of such technologies in the renewable energy sector.
The project also aims to explore potential optimizations to enhance performance and reduce operational costs. The knowledge and experience gained from this demonstrator project will be applied to large-scale offshore hydrogen projects, already under development by NORTHSEA HYDROGEN®. This will help achieve significant cost reductions through economies of scale, ultimately making offshore hydrogen production a more viable and attractive option for large-scale energy generation.
To summarise, the goal is to take the charge, and develop, build and test hydrogen production offshore. Initially at 10 MW and then scaling up to megawatts and gigawatts level. Thereby, decoupling the advancement of this technology from political uncertainties and reducing the risk-profile for investors, insurers and operators."
4. Do you see an actual use-case for the produced hydrogen? If so, where do you see it?
"We have identified a highly innovative and impactful use for the hydrogen produced by our pilot project: providing the first offshore green hydrogen re-fuelling station. Currently, several vessels in the market are hydrogen-ready or are already powered by hydrogen, and many more are expected to enter the market soon. However, a critical missing link in achieving complete decarbonization is the availability of sufficient refuelling infrastructure. Our “NORTHSEA HYDROGEN® Demonstrator Project” aims to address this gap by building the first offshore hydrogen refuelling station. This station will provide the necessary support to hydrogen-powered service vessels, enabling them to operate efficiently and sustainably.
By developing this refuelling infrastructure, we not only support the decarbonization of offshore operations and maintenance for wind farms but also promote broader adoption of hydrogen in the marine sector. This project represents a significant step towards a fully sustainable and carbon-neutral offshore industry, helping to pave the way for future advancements in hydrogen technology and infrastructure.
Prerequisite for the pilot-project and the offshore green hydrogen re-fuelling station is a fast and efficient regulatory and permitting process. We want to make use of existing offshore-infrastructure and establish the first offshore electrolysis in German waters no later than 2027."
5. What are further steps in the development of this pilot project and what will be the involvement of AquaConsult?
"NORTHSEA HYDROGEN® will start to approach interested investors soon and wind-farm operators to determine suitable options for the realization of the demonstrator. Our partners at AquaConsult will subsequently play a crucial role in the detailed development of the project.
First and foremost, possible funding, regulatory issues and permitting require a thorough understanding of the processes and requirements involved. The experts from cruh21 and Impact Funding Europe will tackle these tasks. Once the FEED process and financial modelling is started, the insurance market will be approached by our insurance experts from Nordwest Assekuranz to secure insurability.
The detailed engineering and design process is a core competence of Tractebel Overdick, who will help to solve any technical challenges in getting an electrolyser-unit installed on a jack-up platform. INP Infrastructure will support during the manufacturing, installation and commissioning. And to wrap up the full spectrum of the project life cycle, the operation of the “NORTHSEA HYDROGEN® Demonstrator Project” will be planned and aligned with the wind-farm operator by Deutsche Windtechnik.
As you can see, the AquaConsult-network really offers a one-stop-shop for our 10-MW pilot project. This will be the same for NORTHSEA HYDROGEN’s 300MW and 1GW projects, which are being developed in parallel.
What we will need is the willingness of a wind farm operator to cooperate and provide the required power, the flexibility of the authorities to fast-track such a pilot-project, and a visionary investor who follows our path of scaling up green hydrogen production from the strongest renewable energy source available on the planet. NORTHSEA HYDROGEN® and AquaConsult are ready to act and eager to advance the technological level for the much-needed transfer from transporting electrons to molecules.”
More about the expert: Michael is a seasoned Senior Project Manager with a strong foundation in civil engineering, holding dual degrees in the field. Since 2011, he has applied his project management expertise to a wide range of technically challenging, large-scale infrastructure and offshore wind projects across Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean. Michael's extensive experience includes managing and coordinating projects with a keen focus on time, cost, safety, quality, and interface management. He also possesses deep knowledge in regulatory affairs, tender and contract management, and excels in negotiating and integrating technical and commercial issues into contractual terms. In this interview, Michael shares his journey and insights into leading some of the most complex projects in the energy sector.
The Interview was moderated by Lilli von Stengel, cruh21 GmbH.